Guerrilla Style Outreach Equipment: Mobile concerts, bbq's & puppet shows |
We've had men who learned Spanish on their own to reach the large Spanish speaking community where we live, who paid their own expenses to preach in places like Guatemala City, who bought their own sound equipment to do outreaches in the parks, who bought their own puppets to minister to the children in our community and most recently-- a man who bought a trailer so that we could have guerrilla style mobile outreaches at any time-- music, barbeques, and puppet shows.
Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”
--1Samuel 14:6
In the Scripture, not only was Jonathan motivated, but he took initiative, took action and put feet to his faith, which resulted in a tremendous victory for Israel. And to highlight the significance of this event, what should be known is that Jonathan and his armor-bearer went out on their own, without any guarantees, and all while everyone else was doing nothing. It's one thing to be motivated when lots of people around you are in hot pursuit of their goals, but it's an entirely different thing when you have no such examples around you to follow or be inspired by. Can you create a culture of initiative where you are or are you content to remain sedentary-- waiting for something to happen or for someone else to do something.
Just as we have great men of vision and men of doing in other sectors of society, we need them even more so in the church.
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