Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bigger Than You

What happens to us that in the course of our lives we no longer believe that we can do things bigger than ourselves? Is it that we have dreamed in the past only to have failed, and are now, no longer willing to dream again? Or do we not aspire to greater things because it's just so much more comfortable and convenient to maintain the status quo? Or perhaps it's that we've been conditioned to think that great things are only reserved for a few select individuals and that the majority of us are not them (referring to those 'select' few). What would God say? Would he tell us that He makes poor Hebrew slave girls the moms of the Prince of Egypt and the world's Savior? Would He say that He chooses unknown shepherd boys to become kings and uneducated fishermen to become world changers? Would He tell you that He can do anything with your life if you are truly willing to let go and let Him? Tremendous things, remarkable things, eternal things. What is it that causes us to lose sight of His Greatness and narrow our focus to encompass only our limits?
If you tell a kid that he can't dig a hole deeper than himself, he'll say, "Yes, I can. Watch me."
If I tell my two year old that he's too small to ride a bike even if it is his sister's, he'll say, "No, I'm not. Watch me."
Since when does God tell us that we can't do things bigger than ourselves?

I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
-- Philippians 4:13 

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