Thursday, August 1, 2013

Telling the Truth

I am constantly amazed by Christians who have no idea about what the Bible actually says on any number of issues and by Christians who allow the world to define what Christianity should or should not look like.
In our society, couples living together is socially acceptable-- nobody has a problem with it in general except maybe the couple's parents who may have grown up in a by-gone era of traditional values. The parents may have actually believed that unmarried couples living together is contrary to what is moral and right. Their beliefs may be based on Biblical teaching which says that such a living arrangement would be considered sinful. Since the early 1800's the phrase used to describe this situation was "living in sin". And until just a few decades ago, most people would agree that it was wrong.
It was wrong not just because society said so, because church leaders thought it inappropriate, or because parents were trying to rein in their children from engaging in fun, but because the Bible says it is, in fact, sin. Real Christians believe the Bible to be the authentic, inerrant Word of God and view it as the final word on all matters regarding one's life here on earth. Here's one of many passages which deal with people 'living in sin' a.k.a. committing fornication:

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,  idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,  envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

-- Galations 5:19-21 [NKJV]

We don't use the term fornication much, but this is it's definition:
     • fornication: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other 
Pretty simple. Please don't tell me that the couple living together is not in sin because they're not having sex. Ask any high school student if they believe that scenario and they'll laugh in your face. Of course, they're having sex. And somehow, if they're not, then the Bible also speaks about not giving any appearance of evil with your conduct. [Ephesians 5:3 says, "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality".] They shouldn't be living together if they're unmarried regardless.
The scripture indicates that not only is fornication sin, but it will also send you to Hell if you do not repent and get right with God. Yes, that's right-- all those folks living in sin are literally sending themselves to Hell because society and the church at large has allowed them to be comfortable in their sin. I don't care if they say they love each other or they have intentions to get married. Neither my opinion nor theirs matters at all. God calls it sin. 
So when I read an article about how a couple will have their dying two-year old son as the best man at their wedding and people are going on and on about how touching it is, I begin to wonder whether anyone realizes how twisted our society has become. How far away we've gotten from Biblical Christianity. The couple has two children out of wed-lock, another child from a previous relationship, they've been together for years, and suddenly now-- when their son is about to leave this life, they decide they should tie the knot. Are they serious? Let's face it: They're not really doing it for him since he's not old enough to completely comprehend what's going on and he won't be around long enough (the doctors are giving the boy about three weeks to live) to cherish the memories or be able to see the pictures. So really, what the couple is doing is creating an image that they can put on their wall so they can feel good about themselves years down the road. 
The couple is really broken up about the impending death of their son as any parent would be, but my question is: did their sin open the door for this sickness in that boy's life? If they had done things God's way and gotten married would their son be sick today? Don't even bother telling me that God doesn't punish children for what their parents have done. That's obvious. God loves children. God knows what it's like to lose a Son. God is not punishing the child-- the parents are. If a parent is an alcoholic, then the children suffer. If a parent is a liar, then the children suffer. If a parent smokes, then the children suffer. If a parent is a porn addict, then the children suffer. If parents live in sin, then the children suffer. In the Bible, there is a corresponding example-- David and Bathsheba. Their sin opened the door for their child's death. You may say this is harsh-- people will blame me for being heartless-- but if sin is deadly, then shouldn't the parents have been more careful?
This is the world we live in today, where people, including parents, and including Christian parents, do not want to take responsibility for their actions. They'll blame it on God. They'll say it's sad. They'll say it's heart wrenching. But will they say it could've been avoided?

1 comment:

  1. i have read your wife's blog for about a year. i love her insight and the commitment both of you have to following biblical principles. it is refreshing to be able to find such insight among people who give up a little at a time to find out they are so far away from God. I struggle on a daily basis to get back to the path of God.
